Title: | Clinical Trial Simulations |
Description: | Provides a general framework for clinical trial simulations based on the Clinical Scenario Evaluation (CSE) approach. The package supports a broad class of data models (including clinical trials with continuous, binary, survival-type and count-type endpoints as well as multivariate outcomes that are based on combinations of different endpoints), analysis strategies and commonly used evaluation criteria. |
Authors: | Gautier Paux, Alex Dmitrienko. |
Maintainer: | Gautier Paux <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 1.0.9 |
Built: | 2024-10-29 03:46:38 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/gpaux/mediana |
Provides a general framework for clinical trial simulations based on the Clinical Scenario Evaluation (CSE) approach. The package supports a broad class of data models (including clinical trials with continuous, binary, survival-type and count-type endpoints as well as multivariate outcomes that are based on combinations of different endpoints), analysis strategies and commonly used evaluation criteria.
Package: | Mediana |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.0.9 |
Date: | 2021-05-28 |
License: | GPL-2 |
of how to use the package, including the most important functions ~~
Gautier Paux, Alex Dmitrienko
Maintainer: Gautier Paux <[email protected]>
Benda, N., Branson, M., Maurer, W., Friede, T. (2010). Aspects of modernizing drug development using clinical scenario planning and evaluation. Drug Information Journal. 44, 299-315.
Dmitrienko, A., Paux, G., Brechenmacher, T. (2016). Power calculations in clinical trials with complex clinical objectives. Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics. 28, 15-50.
Dmitrienko, A., Paux, G., Pulkstenis, E., Zhang, J. (2016). Tradeoff-based optimization criteria in clinical trials with multiple objectives and adaptive designs. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 26, 120-140.
Dmitrienko, A. and Pulkstenis, E. (2017). Clinical Trial Optimization Using R. New-York : CRC Press.
Friede, T., Nicholas, R., Stallard, N., Todd, S., Parsons, N.R., Valdes-Marquez, E., Chataway, J. (2010). Refinement of the clinical scenario evaluation framework for assessment of competing development strategies with an application to multiple sclerosis. Drug Information Journal 44:713-718.
## Not run: # Clinical trial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis # Variable types var.type = parameters("BinomDist", "NormalDist") # Outcome distribution parameters plac.par = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.3), parameters(mean = -0.10, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par1 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.40), parameters(mean = -0.20, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par2 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.45), parameters(mean = -0.25, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par3 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.50), parameters(mean = -0.30, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par1 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.50), parameters(mean = -0.30, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par2 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.55), parameters(mean = -0.35, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par3 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.60), parameters(mean = -0.40, sd = 0.5)) # Correlation between two endpoints corr.matrix = matrix(c(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), 2, 2) # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.plac = parameters(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome1.dosel = parameters(type = var.type, par = dosel.par1, corr = corr.matrix) outcome1.doseh = parameters(type = var.type, par = doseh.par1, corr = corr.matrix) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.plac = parameters(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome2.dosel = parameters(type = var.type, par = dosel.par2, corr = corr.matrix) outcome2.doseh = parameters(type = var.type, par = doseh.par2, corr = corr.matrix) # Outcome parameter set 3 outcome3.plac = parameters(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome3.doseh = parameters(type = var.type, par = doseh.par3, corr = corr.matrix) outcome3.dosel = parameters(type = var.type, par = dosel.par3, corr = corr.matrix) # Data model data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "MVMixedDist") + SampleSize(c(100, 120)) + Sample(id = list("Plac ACR20", "Plac HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.plac, outcome2.plac, outcome3.plac)) + Sample(id = list("DoseL ACR20", "DoseL HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.dosel, outcome2.dosel, outcome3.dosel)) + Sample(id = list("DoseH ACR20", "DoseH HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.doseh, outcome2.doseh, outcome3.doseh)) family = families(family1 = c(1, 2), family2 = c(3, 4)) component.procedure = families(family1 ="HolmAdj", family2 = "HolmAdj") gamma = families(family1 = 0.8, family2 = 1) # Tests to which the multiplicity adjustment will be applied test.list = tests("Pl vs DoseH - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseL - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseH - HAQ-DI", "Pl vs DoseL - HAQ-DI") # Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + MultAdjProc(proc = "MultipleSequenceGatekeepingAdj", par = parameters(family = family, proc = component.procedure, gamma = gamma), tests = test.list) + Test(id = "Pl vs DoseL - ACR20", method = "PropTest", samples = samples("Plac ACR20", "DoseL ACR20")) + Test(id = "Pl vs DoseH - ACR20", method = "PropTest", samples = samples("Plac ACR20", "DoseH ACR20")) + Test(id = "Pl vs DoseL - HAQ-DI", method = "TTest", samples = samples("DoseL HAQ-DI", "Plac HAQ-DI")) + Test(id = "Pl vs DoseH - HAQ-DI", method = "TTest", samples = samples("DoseH HAQ-DI", "Plac HAQ-DI")) # Evaluation model evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Pl vs DoseL - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseH - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseL - HAQ-DI", "Pl vs DoseH - HAQ-DI"), labels = c("Pl vs DoseL - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseH - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseL - HAQ-DI", "Pl vs DoseH - HAQ-DI"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) + Criterion(id = "Disjunctive power - ACR20", method = "DisjunctivePower", tests = tests("Pl vs DoseL - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseH - ACR20"), labels = "Disjunctive power - ACR20", par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) + Criterion(id = "Disjunctive power - HAQ-DI", method = "DisjunctivePower", tests = tests("Pl vs DoseL - HAQ-DI", "Pl vs DoseH - HAQ-DI"), labels = "Disjunctive power - HAQ-DI", par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) # Simulation Parameters sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation results = CSE(data.model, analysis.model, evaluation.model, sim.parameters) # Reporting presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Project(username = "[Mediana's User]", title = "Case study", description = "Clinical trial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis") + Section(by = c("outcome.parameter")) + Table(by = c("multiplicity.adjustment")) + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label = paste0("N = ", c(100, 120))) # Report Generation GenerateReport(presentation.model = presentation.model, cse.results = results, report.filename = "Case study.docx") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Clinical trial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis # Variable types var.type = parameters("BinomDist", "NormalDist") # Outcome distribution parameters plac.par = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.3), parameters(mean = -0.10, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par1 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.40), parameters(mean = -0.20, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par2 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.45), parameters(mean = -0.25, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par3 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.50), parameters(mean = -0.30, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par1 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.50), parameters(mean = -0.30, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par2 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.55), parameters(mean = -0.35, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par3 = parameters(parameters(prop = 0.60), parameters(mean = -0.40, sd = 0.5)) # Correlation between two endpoints corr.matrix = matrix(c(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), 2, 2) # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.plac = parameters(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome1.dosel = parameters(type = var.type, par = dosel.par1, corr = corr.matrix) outcome1.doseh = parameters(type = var.type, par = doseh.par1, corr = corr.matrix) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.plac = parameters(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome2.dosel = parameters(type = var.type, par = dosel.par2, corr = corr.matrix) outcome2.doseh = parameters(type = var.type, par = doseh.par2, corr = corr.matrix) # Outcome parameter set 3 outcome3.plac = parameters(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome3.doseh = parameters(type = var.type, par = doseh.par3, corr = corr.matrix) outcome3.dosel = parameters(type = var.type, par = dosel.par3, corr = corr.matrix) # Data model data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "MVMixedDist") + SampleSize(c(100, 120)) + Sample(id = list("Plac ACR20", "Plac HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.plac, outcome2.plac, outcome3.plac)) + Sample(id = list("DoseL ACR20", "DoseL HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.dosel, outcome2.dosel, outcome3.dosel)) + Sample(id = list("DoseH ACR20", "DoseH HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.doseh, outcome2.doseh, outcome3.doseh)) family = families(family1 = c(1, 2), family2 = c(3, 4)) component.procedure = families(family1 ="HolmAdj", family2 = "HolmAdj") gamma = families(family1 = 0.8, family2 = 1) # Tests to which the multiplicity adjustment will be applied test.list = tests("Pl vs DoseH - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseL - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseH - HAQ-DI", "Pl vs DoseL - HAQ-DI") # Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + MultAdjProc(proc = "MultipleSequenceGatekeepingAdj", par = parameters(family = family, proc = component.procedure, gamma = gamma), tests = test.list) + Test(id = "Pl vs DoseL - ACR20", method = "PropTest", samples = samples("Plac ACR20", "DoseL ACR20")) + Test(id = "Pl vs DoseH - ACR20", method = "PropTest", samples = samples("Plac ACR20", "DoseH ACR20")) + Test(id = "Pl vs DoseL - HAQ-DI", method = "TTest", samples = samples("DoseL HAQ-DI", "Plac HAQ-DI")) + Test(id = "Pl vs DoseH - HAQ-DI", method = "TTest", samples = samples("DoseH HAQ-DI", "Plac HAQ-DI")) # Evaluation model evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Pl vs DoseL - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseH - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseL - HAQ-DI", "Pl vs DoseH - HAQ-DI"), labels = c("Pl vs DoseL - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseH - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseL - HAQ-DI", "Pl vs DoseH - HAQ-DI"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) + Criterion(id = "Disjunctive power - ACR20", method = "DisjunctivePower", tests = tests("Pl vs DoseL - ACR20", "Pl vs DoseH - ACR20"), labels = "Disjunctive power - ACR20", par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) + Criterion(id = "Disjunctive power - HAQ-DI", method = "DisjunctivePower", tests = tests("Pl vs DoseL - HAQ-DI", "Pl vs DoseH - HAQ-DI"), labels = "Disjunctive power - HAQ-DI", par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) # Simulation Parameters sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation results = CSE(data.model, analysis.model, evaluation.model, sim.parameters) # Reporting presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Project(username = "[Mediana's User]", title = "Case study", description = "Clinical trial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis") + Section(by = c("outcome.parameter")) + Table(by = c("multiplicity.adjustment")) + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label = paste0("N = ", c(100, 120))) # Report Generation GenerateReport(presentation.model = presentation.model, cse.results = results, report.filename = "Case study.docx") ## End(Not run)
Computation of simultaneous confidence intervals for selected multiple testing procedures based on univariate p-values (Bonferroni, Holm and fixed-sequence procedures) and commonly used parametric multiple testing procedures (single-step and step-down Dunnett procedures)
AdjustCIs(est, proc, par = NA)
AdjustCIs(est, proc, par = NA)
est |
defines the point estimates. |
proc |
defines the multiple testing procedure. Several procedures are
already implemented in the Mediana package (listed below, along with the
required or optional parameters to specify in the
par |
defines the parameters associated to the multiple testing procedure. |
This function computes one-sided simultaneous confidence limits for the Bonferroni, Holm (Holm, 1979) and fixed-sequence (Westfall and Krishen, 2001) procedures in in general one-sided hypothesis testing problems (equally or unequally weighted null hypotheses), as well as for the single-step Dunnett procedure (Dunnett, 1955) and step-down Dunnett procedure (Naik, 1975; Marcus, Peritz and Gabriel, 1976) in one-sided hypothesis testing problems with a balanced one-way layout and equally weighted null hypotheses.
For non-parametric procedure, the simultaneous confidence intervals are computed using the methods developed in Hsu and Berger (1999), Strassburger and Bretz (2008) and Guilbaud (2008). For more information on the algorithms used in the function, see Dmitrienko et al. (2009, Section 2.6).
For the Dunnett procedures, the simultaneous confidence intervals are computed using the methods developed in Bofinger (1987) and Stefansson, Kim and Hsu (1988). For more information on the algorithms used in the function, see Dmitrienko et al. (2009, Section 2.7).
Return a vector of lower simultaneous confidence limits.
Bofinger, E. (1987). Step-down procedures for comparison with a control.
Australian Journal of Statistics. 29, 348–364.
Dmitrienko, A., Bretz, F., Westfall, P.H., Troendle, J., Wiens, B.L.,
Tamhane, A.C., Hsu, J.C. (2009). Multiple testing methodology.
Multiple Testing Problems in Pharmaceutical Statistics. Dmitrienko,
A., Tamhane, A.C., Bretz, F. (editors). Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, New
Dunnett, C.W. (1955). A multiple comparison procedure for comparing several
treatments with a control. Journal of the American Statistical
Association. 50, 1096–1121.
Marcus, R. Peritz, E., Gabriel, K.R. (1976). On closed testing procedures
with special reference to ordered analysis of variance. Biometrika.
63, 655–660.
Naik, U.D. (1975). Some selection rules for comparing processes with
a standard. Communications in Statistics. Series A. 4, 519–535.
Stefansson, G., Kim, W.-C., Hsu, J.C. (1988). On confidence sets in multiple comparisons. Statistical Decision Theory and Related Topics IV. Gupta, S.S., Berger, J.O. (editors). Academic Press, New York, 89–104.
See Also MultAdjProc
and AdjustPvalues
# Consider a clinical trial conducted to evaluate the effect of three # doses of a treatment compared to a placebo with respect to a normally # distributed endpoint # Three null hypotheses of no effect are tested in the trial: # Null hypothesis H1: No difference between Dose 1 and Placebo # Null hypothesis H2: No difference between Dose 2 and Placebo # Null hypothesis H3: No difference between Dose 3 and Placebo # Null hypotheses of no treatment effect are equally weighted weight<-c(1/3,1/3,1/3) # Treatment effect estimates (mean dose-placebo differences) est<-c(2.3,2.5,1.9) # Pooled standard deviation sd<-rep(9.5,3) # Study design is balanced with 180 patients per treatment arm n<-180 # Bonferroni, Holm, Hochberg, Hommel and Fixed-sequence procedure proc = c("BonferroniAdj", "HolmAdj", "FixedSeqAdj", "DunnettAdj", "StepDownDunnettAdj") # Equally weighted sapply(proc, function(x) {AdjustCIs(est, proc = x, par = parameters(sd = sd, n = n, covprob = 0.975, weight = weight))})
# Consider a clinical trial conducted to evaluate the effect of three # doses of a treatment compared to a placebo with respect to a normally # distributed endpoint # Three null hypotheses of no effect are tested in the trial: # Null hypothesis H1: No difference between Dose 1 and Placebo # Null hypothesis H2: No difference between Dose 2 and Placebo # Null hypothesis H3: No difference between Dose 3 and Placebo # Null hypotheses of no treatment effect are equally weighted weight<-c(1/3,1/3,1/3) # Treatment effect estimates (mean dose-placebo differences) est<-c(2.3,2.5,1.9) # Pooled standard deviation sd<-rep(9.5,3) # Study design is balanced with 180 patients per treatment arm n<-180 # Bonferroni, Holm, Hochberg, Hommel and Fixed-sequence procedure proc = c("BonferroniAdj", "HolmAdj", "FixedSeqAdj", "DunnettAdj", "StepDownDunnettAdj") # Equally weighted sapply(proc, function(x) {AdjustCIs(est, proc = x, par = parameters(sd = sd, n = n, covprob = 0.975, weight = weight))})
Computation of adjusted p-values for commonly used multiple testing procedures based on univariate p-values (Bonferroni, Holm, Hommel, Hochberg, fixed-sequence and Fallback procedures), commonly used parametric multiple testing procedures (single-step and step-down Dunnett procedures) and multistage gatepeeking procedure.
AdjustPvalues(pval, proc, par = NA)
AdjustPvalues(pval, proc, par = NA)
pval |
defines the raw p-values. |
proc |
defines the multiple testing procedure. Several procedures are
already implemented in the Mediana package (listed below, along with the
required or optional parameters to specify in the
par |
defines the parameters associated to the multiple testing procedure |
This function can be used to adjust p-values according to a multiple testing
procedure defines in the proc
This function computes adjusted p-values and generates decision rules for the Bonferroni, Holm (Holm, 1979), Hommel (Hommel, 1988), Hochberg (Hochberg, 1988), fixed-sequence (Westfall and Krishen, 2001) and Fallback (Wiens, 2003; Wiens and Dmitrienko, 2005) procedures. The adjusted p-values are computed using the closure principle (Marcus, Peritz and Gabriel, 1976) in general hypothesis testing problems (equally or unequally weighted null hypotheses). For more information on the algorithms used in the function, see Dmitrienko et al. (2009, Section 2.6).
This function computes adjusted p-values for the single-step Dunnett procedure (Dunnett, 1955) and step-down Dunnett procedure (Naik, 1975; Marcus, Peritz and Gabriel, 1976) in one-sided hypothesis testing problems with a balanced one-way layout and equally weighted null hypotheses. For the Dunnett procedures, it is assumed that the test statistics follow a t distribution. For more information on the algorithms used in the function, see Dmitrienko et al. (2009, Section 2.7).
This function computes adjusted p-values and generates decision rules for multistage parallel gatekeeping procedures in hypothesis testing problems with multiple families of null hypotheses (null hypotheses are assumed to be equally weighted within each family) based on the methodology presented in Dmitrienko, Tamhane and Wiens (2008), Dmitrienko, Kordzakhia and Tamhane (2011) and Dmitrienko, Kordzakhia and Brechenmacher (2016). For more information on parallel gatekeeping procedures (computation of adjusted p-values, independence condition, etc), see Dmitrienko and Tamhane (2009, Section 5.4).
Return a vector of adjusted p-values.
Dmitrienko, A., Bretz, F., Westfall, P.H., Troendle, J., Wiens, B.L.,
Tamhane, A.C., Hsu, J.C. (2009). Multiple testing methodology.
Multiple Testing Problems in Pharmaceutical Statistics. Dmitrienko,
A., Tamhane, A.C., Bretz, F. (editors). Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, New
Dmitrienko, A., Kordzakhia, G., Tamhane, A.C. (2011). Multistage and mixture parallel gatekeeping procedures in clinical trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 21, 726–747.
Dmitrienko, A., Tamhane, A., Wiens, B. (2008). General multistage
gatekeeping procedures. Biometrical Journal. 50, 667–677.
Dmitrienko, A., Tamhane, A.C. (2009). Gatekeeping procedures in clinical
trials. Multiple Testing Problems in Pharmaceutical Statistics.
Dmitrienko, A., Tamhane, A.C., Bretz, F. (editors). Chapman and Hall/CRC
Press, New York.
Dmitrienko, A., Kordzakhia, G., Brechenmacher, T. (2016). Mixture-based gatekeeping procedures for multiplicity problems with multiple sequences of hypotheses. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 26, 758–780.
Dunnett, C.W. (1955). A multiple comparison procedure for comparing several
treatments with a control. Journal of the American Statistical
Association. 50, 1096–1121.
Hochberg, Y. (1988). A sharper Bonferroni procedure for multiple
significance testing. Biometrika. 75, 800–802.
Holm, S. (1979). A simple sequentially rejective multiple test procedure.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 6, 65–70.
Hommel, G. (1988). A stagewise rejective multiple test procedure based on a
modified Bonferroni test. Biometrika. 75, 383–386.
Marcus, R. Peritz, E., Gabriel, K.R. (1976). On closed testing procedures
with special reference to ordered analysis of variance. Biometrika.
63, 655–660.
Naik, U.D. (1975). Some selection rules for comparing processes with
a standard. Communications in Statistics. Series A. 4, 519–535.
Westfall, P. H., Krishen, A. (2001). Optimally weighted, fixed sequence, and
gatekeeping multiple testing procedures. Journal of Statistical
Planning and Inference. 99, 25–40.
Wiens, B. (2003). A fixed-sequence Bonferroni procedure for testing multiple
endpoints. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 2, 211–215.
Wiens, B., Dmitrienko, A. (2005). The fallback procedure for evaluating a
single family of hypotheses. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics.
15, 929–942.
See Also MultAdjProc
and AdjustCIs
# Bonferroni, Holm, Hochberg, Hommel and Fixed-sequence procedure proc = c("BonferroniAdj", "HolmAdj", "HochbergAdj", "HommelAdj", "FixedSeqAdj", "FallbackAdj") rawp = c(0.012, 0.009, 0.023) # Equally weighted sapply(proc, function(x) {AdjustPvalues(rawp, proc = x)}) # Unequally weighted (no effect on the fixed-sequence procedure) sapply(proc, function(x) {AdjustPvalues(rawp, proc = x, par = parameters(weight = c(1/2, 1/4, 1/4)))}) # Dunnett procedures # Compute one-sided adjusted p-values for the single-step Dunnett procedure # Three null hypotheses of no effect are tested in the trial: # Null hypothesis H1: No difference between Dose 1 and Placebo # Null hypothesis H2: No difference between Dose 2 and Placebo # Null hypothesis H3: No difference between Dose 3 and Placebo # Treatment effect estimates (mean dose-placebo differences) est = c(2.3,2.5,1.9) # Pooled standard deviation sd = 9.5 # Study design is balanced with 180 patients per treatment arm n = 180 # Standard errors stderror = rep(sd*sqrt(2/n),3) # T-statistics associated with the three dose-placebo tests stat = est/stderror # One-sided pvalue rawp = 1-pt(stat,2*(n-1)) # Adjusted p-values based on the Dunnett procedures # (assuming that each test statistic follows a t distribution) AdjustPvalues(rawp,proc = "DunnettAdj",par = parameters(n = n)) AdjustPvalues(rawp,proc = "StepDownDunnettAdj",par = parameters(n = n)) # Parallel gatekeeping # Consider a clinical trial with two families of null hypotheses # Family 1: Primary null hypotheses (one-sided p-values) # H1 (Endpoint 1), p1=0.0082 # H2 (Endpoint 2), p2=0.0174 # Family 2: Secondary null hypotheses (one-sided p-values) # H3 (Endpoint 3), p3=0.0042 # H4 (Endpoint 4), p4=0.0180 # Define raw p-values rawp<-c(0.0082,0.0174, 0.0042,0.0180) # Define hHypothesis included in each family family = families(family1 = c(1, 2), family2 = c(3, 4)) # Define component procedure of each family component.procedure = families(family1 ="HolmAdj", family2 = "HolmAdj") # Truncation parameter of each family gamma = families(family1 = 0.5, family2 = 1) adjustp = AdjustPvalues(rawp, proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj", par = parameters(family = family, proc = component.procedure, gamma = gamma))
# Bonferroni, Holm, Hochberg, Hommel and Fixed-sequence procedure proc = c("BonferroniAdj", "HolmAdj", "HochbergAdj", "HommelAdj", "FixedSeqAdj", "FallbackAdj") rawp = c(0.012, 0.009, 0.023) # Equally weighted sapply(proc, function(x) {AdjustPvalues(rawp, proc = x)}) # Unequally weighted (no effect on the fixed-sequence procedure) sapply(proc, function(x) {AdjustPvalues(rawp, proc = x, par = parameters(weight = c(1/2, 1/4, 1/4)))}) # Dunnett procedures # Compute one-sided adjusted p-values for the single-step Dunnett procedure # Three null hypotheses of no effect are tested in the trial: # Null hypothesis H1: No difference between Dose 1 and Placebo # Null hypothesis H2: No difference between Dose 2 and Placebo # Null hypothesis H3: No difference between Dose 3 and Placebo # Treatment effect estimates (mean dose-placebo differences) est = c(2.3,2.5,1.9) # Pooled standard deviation sd = 9.5 # Study design is balanced with 180 patients per treatment arm n = 180 # Standard errors stderror = rep(sd*sqrt(2/n),3) # T-statistics associated with the three dose-placebo tests stat = est/stderror # One-sided pvalue rawp = 1-pt(stat,2*(n-1)) # Adjusted p-values based on the Dunnett procedures # (assuming that each test statistic follows a t distribution) AdjustPvalues(rawp,proc = "DunnettAdj",par = parameters(n = n)) AdjustPvalues(rawp,proc = "StepDownDunnettAdj",par = parameters(n = n)) # Parallel gatekeeping # Consider a clinical trial with two families of null hypotheses # Family 1: Primary null hypotheses (one-sided p-values) # H1 (Endpoint 1), p1=0.0082 # H2 (Endpoint 2), p2=0.0174 # Family 2: Secondary null hypotheses (one-sided p-values) # H3 (Endpoint 3), p3=0.0042 # H4 (Endpoint 4), p4=0.0180 # Define raw p-values rawp<-c(0.0082,0.0174, 0.0042,0.0180) # Define hHypothesis included in each family family = families(family1 = c(1, 2), family2 = c(3, 4)) # Define component procedure of each family component.procedure = families(family1 ="HolmAdj", family2 = "HolmAdj") # Truncation parameter of each family gamma = families(family1 = 0.5, family2 = 1) adjustp = AdjustPvalues(rawp, proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj", par = parameters(family = family, proc = component.procedure, gamma = gamma))
initializes an object of class AnalysisModel
... |
defines the arguments passed to create the object of class
Analysis models define statistical methods that are applied to the study data in a clinical trial.
is used to create an object of class
incrementally, using the '+' operator to add objects to
the existing AnalysisModel
object. The advantage is to explicitely
define which objects are added to the AnalysisModel
Initialization with AnalysisModel()
is higlhy recommended.
Objects of class Test
, MultAdjProc
, MultAdjStrategy
and Statistic
can be added to an object of class
See Also Test
, MultAdjProc
, MultAdj
## Initialize an AnalysisModel and add objects to it analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest")
## Initialize an AnalysisModel and add objects to it analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest")
This function generates analysis results according to the specified data and analysis models.
AnalysisStack(data.model, analysis.model, sim.parameters)
AnalysisStack(data.model, analysis.model, sim.parameters)
data.model |
defines a |
analysis.model |
defines a |
sim.parameters |
defines a |
This function generates an analysis stack according to the data and analysis models and the simulation parameters objetcs. The object returned by the function is a AnalysisStack object containing:
description |
a description of the object. |
analysis.set |
a list of size
analysis.scenario.grid |
data frame indicating all data and analysis scenarios according to the
analysis.structure |
a list containing the analysis structure according
to the |
sim.parameters |
a list
containing the simulation parameters according to |
A specific analysis.set
of a AnalysisStack
object can be
extracted using the ExtractAnalysisStack
See Also DataModel
, AnalysisModel
and ExtractAnalysisStack
## Not run: # Generation of an AnalysisStack object ################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") + Statistic(id = "Mean Treatment", method = "MeanStat", samples = samples("Treatment")) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate results case.study1.analysis.stack = AnalysisStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, analysis.model = case.study1.analysis.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Print the analysis results generated in the 100th simulation run # for the 2nd data scenario for both samples case.study1.analysis.stack$analysis.set[[100]][[2]] # Extract the same set of data case.study1.extracted.analysis.stack = ExtractAnalysisStack(analysis.stack = case.study1.analysis.stack, data.scenario = 2, simulation.run = 100) # A carefull attention should be paid on the index of the result. # As only one data.scenario has been requested # the result for data.scenario = 2 is now in the first position ($analysis.set[[1]][[1]]). ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Generation of an AnalysisStack object ################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") + Statistic(id = "Mean Treatment", method = "MeanStat", samples = samples("Treatment")) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate results case.study1.analysis.stack = AnalysisStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, analysis.model = case.study1.analysis.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Print the analysis results generated in the 100th simulation run # for the 2nd data scenario for both samples case.study1.analysis.stack$analysis.set[[100]][[2]] # Extract the same set of data case.study1.extracted.analysis.stack = ExtractAnalysisStack(analysis.stack = case.study1.analysis.stack, data.scenario = 2, simulation.run = 100) # A carefull attention should be paid on the index of the result. # As only one data.scenario has been requested # the result for data.scenario = 2 is now in the first position ($analysis.set[[1]][[1]]). ## End(Not run)
This function creates an object of class Criterion
which can be added
to an object of class EvaluationModel
Criterion(id, method, tests = NULL, statistics = NULL, par = NULL, labels)
Criterion(id, method, tests = NULL, statistics = NULL, par = NULL, labels)
id |
defines the ID of the |
method |
defines the method used by the |
tests |
defines the test(s) used by the |
statistics |
defines the statistic(s) used by the |
par |
defines the parameter(s) of the |
labels |
defines the label(s) of the results. |
Objects of class Criterion
are used in objects of class
to specify the criteria that will be applied to the
Clinical Scenario. Several objects of class Criterion
can be added to
an object of class EvaluationModel
Mandatory arguments are id
, method
, labels
and/or statistics
argument defines the criterion's method. Several methods are
already implemented in the Mediana package (listed below, along with the
required parameters to define in the par
: generate the marginal power of all tests defined in
the test
argument. Required parameter: alpha
: generate the weighted power of all tests defined in
the test
argument. Required parameters: alpha
: generate the disjunctive power
(probability to reject at least one hypothesis defined in the test
argument). Required parameter: alpha
generate the conjunctive power (probability to reject all hypotheses defined
in the test
argument). Required parameter: alpha
: generate the expected number of rejected
hypotheses. Required parameter: alpha
See Also AnalysisModel
## Add a Criterion to an EvaluationModel object evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025))
## Add a Criterion to an EvaluationModel object evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025))
This function is used to perform the Clinical Scenario Evaluation according
to the objects of class DataModel
, AnalysisModel
specified respectively in the arguments data
and evaluation
of the function.
CSE(data, analysis, evaluation, simulation)
CSE(data, analysis, evaluation, simulation)
data |
defines a |
analysis |
defines an |
evaluation |
defines an |
simulation |
defines a |
function returns a list containing:
simulation.results |
a data frame containing the results of the simulations for each scenario. |
analysis.scenario.grid |
a data frame containing the grid of the combination of data and analysis scenarios. |
data.structure |
a list containing the data structure according to the
analysis.structure |
a list containing the
analysis structure according to the |
evaluation.structure |
a list containing the evaluation structure
according to the |
sim.parameters |
list containing the simulation parameters according to |
timestamp |
a list containing information about the start time, end time and duration of the simulation runs. |
Benda, N., Branson, M., Maurer, W., Friede, T. (2010). Aspects of modernizing drug development using clinical scenario planning and evaluation. Drug Information Journal. 44, 299-315.
See Also DataModel
, DataStack
, EvaluationModel
## Not run: # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") # Evaluation model case.study1.evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation case.study1.results = CSE(case.study1.data.model, case.study1.analysis.model, case.study1.evaluation.model, case.study1.sim.parameters) # Summary of the simulation results summary(case.study1.results) # Get the data generated for the simulation case.study1.data.stack = DataStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) ## End(Not run) ## Not run: #Alternatively, a DataStack object can be used in the CSE function # (not recommanded as the computational time is increased) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = DataStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation with data stack case.study1.results = CSE(case.study1.data.stack, case.study1.analysis.model, case.study1.evaluation.model, case.study1.sim.parameters) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") # Evaluation model case.study1.evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation case.study1.results = CSE(case.study1.data.model, case.study1.analysis.model, case.study1.evaluation.model, case.study1.sim.parameters) # Summary of the simulation results summary(case.study1.results) # Get the data generated for the simulation case.study1.data.stack = DataStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) ## End(Not run) ## Not run: #Alternatively, a DataStack object can be used in the CSE function # (not recommanded as the computational time is increased) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = DataStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation with data stack case.study1.results = CSE(case.study1.data.stack, case.study1.analysis.model, case.study1.evaluation.model, case.study1.sim.parameters) ## End(Not run)
This function creates an object of class CustomLabel
which can be
added to an object of class PresentationModel
CustomLabel(param, label)
CustomLabel(param, label)
param |
defines a parameter for which the labels will be assigned. |
label |
defines the label(s) to assign to the parameter. |
Objects of class CustomLabel
are used in objects of class
to specify the labels that will be assigned to the
parameter. Several objects of class CustomLabel
can be added to an
object of class PresentationModel
The argument param
only accepts the following values:
See Also PresentationModel
## Create a PresentationModel object with customized label presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2"))
## Create a PresentationModel object with customized label presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2"))
initializes an object of class DataModel
... |
defines the arguments passed to create the object of class
Data models define the process of generating patients data in a clinical trial.
is used to create an object of class DataModel
incrementally, using the '+' operator to add objects to the existing
object. The advantage is to explicitely define which
objects are added to the DataModel
object. Initialization with
is highly recommended.
Objects of class OutcomeDist
, SampleSize
, Sample
and Design
can be added to an object of class
See Also OutcomeDist
, SampleSize
and Design
# Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment))
# Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment))
This function generates data according to the specified data model.
DataStack(data.model, sim.parameters)
DataStack(data.model, sim.parameters)
data.model |
defines a |
sim.parameters |
defines a |
This function generates a data stack according to the data model and the simulation parameters objetcs. The object returned by the function is a DataStack object containing:
description |
a description of the object. |
data.set |
a list of size |
data.scenario.grid |
a data frame indicating all data scenarios according to the
data.structure |
a list containing the data
structure according to the |
sim.parameters |
a list containing the simulation parameters according to
A specific data.set
of a DataStack
object can be extracted
using the ExtractDataStack
See Also DataModel
and SimParameters
and ExtractDataStack
## Not run: # Generation of a DataStack object ################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = DataStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Print the data set generated in the 100th simulation run # for the 2nd data scenario for both samples case.study1.data.stack$data.set[[100]]$data.scenario[[2]] # Extract the same set of data case.study1.extracted.data.stack = ExtractDataStack(data.stack = case.study1.data.stack, data.scenario = 2, simulation.run = 100) # The same dataset can be obtained using case.study1.extracted.data.stack$data.set[[1]]$data.scenario[[1]]$sample # A carefull attention should be paid on the index of the result. # As only one data.scenario has been requested # the result for data.scenario = 2 is now in the first position (data.scenario[[1]]). ## End(Not run) ## Not run: #Use of a DataStack object in the CSE function ############################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = DataStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") # Evaluation model case.study1.evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation case.study1.results = CSE(case.study1.data.stack, case.study1.analysis.model, case.study1.evaluation.model, case.study1.sim.parameters) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Generation of a DataStack object ################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = DataStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Print the data set generated in the 100th simulation run # for the 2nd data scenario for both samples case.study1.data.stack$data.set[[100]]$data.scenario[[2]] # Extract the same set of data case.study1.extracted.data.stack = ExtractDataStack(data.stack = case.study1.data.stack, data.scenario = 2, simulation.run = 100) # The same dataset can be obtained using case.study1.extracted.data.stack$data.set[[1]]$data.scenario[[1]]$sample # A carefull attention should be paid on the index of the result. # As only one data.scenario has been requested # the result for data.scenario = 2 is now in the first position (data.scenario[[1]]). ## End(Not run) ## Not run: #Use of a DataStack object in the CSE function ############################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = DataStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") # Evaluation model case.study1.evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation case.study1.results = CSE(case.study1.data.stack, case.study1.analysis.model, case.study1.evaluation.model, case.study1.sim.parameters) ## End(Not run)
This function creates an object of class Design
which can be added to
an object of class DataModel
Design( enroll.period = NULL, enroll.dist = NULL, enroll.dist.par = NULL, followup.period = NULL, study.duration = NULL, dropout.dist = NULL, dropout.dist.par = NULL )
Design( enroll.period = NULL, enroll.dist = NULL, enroll.dist.par = NULL, followup.period = NULL, study.duration = NULL, dropout.dist = NULL, dropout.dist.par = NULL )
enroll.period |
defines the length of the enrollment period. |
enroll.dist |
defines the enrollment distribution. |
enroll.dist.par |
defines the parameters of the enrollment distribution (optional). |
followup.period |
defines the length of the follow-up period for each
patient in study designs with a fixed follow-up period, i.e., the length of
time from the enrollment to planned discontinuation is constant across
patients. The user must specify either |
study.duration |
defines the total study duration in study designs with a variable follow-up period. The total study duration is defined as the length of time from the enrollment of the first patient to the discontinuation of the last patient. |
dropout.dist |
defines the dropout distribution. |
dropout.dist.par |
defines the parameters of the dropout distribution. |
Objects of class Design
are used in objects of class DataModel
to specify the design parameters used in event-driven designs if the user is
interested in modeling the enrollment (or accrual) and dropout (or loss to
follow up) processes that will be applied to the Clinical Scenario. Several
objects of class Design
can be added to an object of class
Note that the length of the enrollment period, total study duration and follow-up periods are measured using the same time units.
If enroll.dist = "UniformDist"
, the enroll.dist.par
should be
let to NULL
(then enrollment distribution will be uniform during the
enrollment period).
If enroll.dist = "BetaDist"
, the enroll.dist.par
contain the parameter of the beta distribution (a
and b
These parameters must be derived according to the expected enrollment at a
specific timepoint. For example, if half the patients are expected to be
enrolled at 75% of the enrollment period, the beta distribution is a
Beta(log(0.5)/log(0.75), 1)
. Generally, let q
be the
proportion of enrolled patients at p
% of the enrollment period, the
Beta distribution can be derived as follows:
If q
, the Beta distribution is Beta(a,1)
with a = log(p) /
If q
< p
, the Beta distribution is Beta
with b = log(1-p) / log(1-q)
Otherwise the Beta
distribution is Beta(1,1)
If dropout.dist = "UniformDist"
, the dropout.dist.par
contain the dropout rate. This parameter must be specified using the
parameter, such as dropout.dist.par = parameters(prop =
for a 10% dropout rate.
See Also DataModel
## Create DataModel object with a Design Object data.model = DataModel() + Design(enroll.period = 9, study.duration = 21, enroll.dist = "UniformDist", dropout.dist = "ExpoDist", dropout.dist.par = parameters(rate = 0.0115)) ## Create DataModel object with several Design Objects design1 = Design(enroll.period = 9, study.duration = 21, enroll.dist = "UniformDist", dropout.dist = "ExpoDist", dropout.dist.par = parameters(rate = 0.0115)) design2 = Design(enroll.period = 18, study.duration = 24, enroll.dist = "UniformDist", dropout.dist = "ExpoDist", dropout.dist.par = parameters(rate = 0.0115)) data.model = DataModel() + design1 + design2
## Create DataModel object with a Design Object data.model = DataModel() + Design(enroll.period = 9, study.duration = 21, enroll.dist = "UniformDist", dropout.dist = "ExpoDist", dropout.dist.par = parameters(rate = 0.0115)) ## Create DataModel object with several Design Objects design1 = Design(enroll.period = 9, study.duration = 21, enroll.dist = "UniformDist", dropout.dist = "ExpoDist", dropout.dist.par = parameters(rate = 0.0115)) design2 = Design(enroll.period = 18, study.duration = 24, enroll.dist = "UniformDist", dropout.dist = "ExpoDist", dropout.dist.par = parameters(rate = 0.0115)) data.model = DataModel() + design1 + design2
initializes an object of class
... |
defines the arguments passed to create the object of class
Evaluation models are used within the Mediana package to specify the measures (metrics) for evaluating the performance of the selected clinical scenario (combination of data and analysis models).
is used to create an object of class
incrementally, using the '+' operator to add objects
to the existing EvaluationModel
object. The advantage is to
explicitely define which objects are added to the EvaluationModel
object. Initialization with EvaluationModel()
is highly recommended.
Object of Class Criterion
can be added to an object of class
See Also Criterion
## Initialize a EvaluationModel and add objects to it evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025))
## Initialize a EvaluationModel and add objects to it evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025))
This function creates an object of class Event
which can be added to
an object of class DataModel
Event(n.events, rando.ratio = NULL)
Event(n.events, rando.ratio = NULL)
n.events |
defines a vector of number of events required. |
rando.ratio |
defines a vector of randomization ratios for each
This function can be used if the number of events needs to be fixed in an
event-driven clinical trial. Either objects of class Event
can be added to an object of class DataModel
not both.
See Also DataModel
# In this case study, the radomization ratio is 2:1 (Treatment:Placebo). # Sample size parameters event.count.total = c(390, 420) randomization.ratio = c(1,2) # Outcome parameters median.time.placebo = 6 rate.placebo = log(2)/median.time.placebo outcome.placebo = list(rate = rate.placebo) median.time.treatment = 9 rate.treatment = log(2)/median.time.treatment outcome.treatment = list(rate = rate.treatment) # Dropout parameters dropout.par = parameters(rate = 0.0115) # Data model data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "ExpoDist") + Event(n.events = event.count.total, rando.ratio = randomization.ratio) + Design(enroll.period = 9, study.duration = 21, enroll.dist = "UniformDist", dropout.dist = "ExpoDist", dropout.dist.par = dropout.par) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome.treatment))
# In this case study, the radomization ratio is 2:1 (Treatment:Placebo). # Sample size parameters event.count.total = c(390, 420) randomization.ratio = c(1,2) # Outcome parameters median.time.placebo = 6 rate.placebo = log(2)/median.time.placebo outcome.placebo = list(rate = rate.placebo) median.time.treatment = 9 rate.treatment = log(2)/median.time.treatment outcome.treatment = list(rate = rate.treatment) # Dropout parameters dropout.par = parameters(rate = 0.0115) # Data model data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "ExpoDist") + Event(n.events = event.count.total, rando.ratio = randomization.ratio) + Design(enroll.period = 9, study.duration = 21, enroll.dist = "UniformDist", dropout.dist = "ExpoDist", dropout.dist.par = dropout.par) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome.treatment))
This function extracts data stack according to the data scenario, sample id and simulation run specified.
ExtractAnalysisStack( analysis.stack, data.scenario = NULL, simulation.run = NULL )
ExtractAnalysisStack( analysis.stack, data.scenario = NULL, simulation.run = NULL )
analysis.stack |
defines a |
data.scenario |
defines the data scenario index to extract. By default all data scenarios will be extracted. |
simulation.run |
defines the simulation run index. By default all simulation runs will be extracted. |
This function extract a particular set of analysis stack according
to the data scenario and simulation runs index. The object returned by the
function is a list having the same structure as the analysis.set
argument of a AnalysisStack
analysis.set |
a list of
size corresponding to the index number of simulation runs specified by the
user defined in the |
See Also AnalysisStack
## Not run: # Generation of an AnalysisStack object ################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") + Statistic(id = "Mean Treatment", method = "MeanStat", samples = samples("Treatment")) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.analysis.stack = AnalysisStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, analysis.model = case.study1.analysis.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Print the analysis results generated in the 100th simulation run # for the 2nd data scenario for both samples case.study1.analysis.stack$analysis.set[[100]][[2]] # Extract the same set of data case.study1.extracted.analysis.stack = ExtractAnalysisStack(analysis.stack = case.study1.analysis.stack, data.scenario = 2, simulation.run = 100) # A carefull attention should be paid on the index of the result. # As only one data.scenario has been requested # the result for data.scenario = 2 is now in the first position ($analysis.set[[1]][[1]]). ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Generation of an AnalysisStack object ################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") + Statistic(id = "Mean Treatment", method = "MeanStat", samples = samples("Treatment")) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.analysis.stack = AnalysisStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, analysis.model = case.study1.analysis.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Print the analysis results generated in the 100th simulation run # for the 2nd data scenario for both samples case.study1.analysis.stack$analysis.set[[100]][[2]] # Extract the same set of data case.study1.extracted.analysis.stack = ExtractAnalysisStack(analysis.stack = case.study1.analysis.stack, data.scenario = 2, simulation.run = 100) # A carefull attention should be paid on the index of the result. # As only one data.scenario has been requested # the result for data.scenario = 2 is now in the first position ($analysis.set[[1]][[1]]). ## End(Not run)
This function extracts data stack according to the data scenario, sample id and simulation run specified.
ExtractDataStack( data.stack, data.scenario = NULL, sample.id = NULL, simulation.run = NULL )
ExtractDataStack( data.stack, data.scenario = NULL, sample.id = NULL, simulation.run = NULL )
data.stack |
defines a |
data.scenario |
defines the data scenario index to extract. By default all data scenarios will be extracted. |
sample.id |
defines the sample id to extract. By default all sample ids will be extracted. |
simulation.run |
defines the simulation run index. By default all simulation runs will be extracted. |
This function extract a particular set of data stack according to
the data scenario, sample id and simulation runs index. The object returned
by the function is a list having the same structure as the data.set
argument of a DataStack
data.set |
a list of size
corresponding to the number of simulation runs specified by the user defined
in the |
See Also DataStack
## Not run: # Generation of a DataStack object ################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = DataStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Print the data set generated in the 100th simulation run # for the 2nd data scenario for both samples case.study1.data.stack$data.set[[100]]$data.scenario[[2]]$sample # Extract the same set of data case.study1.extracted.data.stack = ExtractDataStack(data.stack = case.study1.data.stack, data.scenario = 2, simulation.run = 100) # A carefull attention should be paid on the index of the result. # As only one data.scenario has been requested # the result for data.scenario = 2 is now in the first position (data.scenario[[1]]). ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Generation of a DataStack object ################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = DataStack(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Print the data set generated in the 100th simulation run # for the 2nd data scenario for both samples case.study1.data.stack$data.set[[100]]$data.scenario[[2]]$sample # Extract the same set of data case.study1.extracted.data.stack = ExtractDataStack(data.stack = case.study1.data.stack, data.scenario = 2, simulation.run = 100) # A carefull attention should be paid on the index of the result. # As only one data.scenario has been requested # the result for data.scenario = 2 is now in the first position (data.scenario[[1]]). ## End(Not run)
This function is used mostly for user's convenience. It simply creates a list of character strings.
... |
defines character strings to be passed into the function. |
This function generates data according to the specified data model.
GenerateData(data.model, sim.parameters)
GenerateData(data.model, sim.parameters)
data.model |
defines a |
sim.parameters |
defines a |
This function generates a data stack according to the data model and the simulation parameters objetcs. The object returned by the function is a DataStack object containing:
description |
a description of the object. |
data.set |
a list of size |
data.data.scenario.grid |
a data frame
indicating all data scenario according to the |
data.structure |
a list containing the data structure according to the
sim.parameters |
a list containing the
simulation parameters according to |
See Also DataModel
and SimParameters
## Not run: # Generation of a DataStack object ################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = GenerateData(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Print the data set generated in the 100th simulation run for the 2nd data scenario case.study1.data.stack$data.set[[100]]$data.scenario[[2]] ## End(Not run) ## Not run: #Use of a DataStack object in the CSE function ############################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = GenerateData(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") # Evaluation model case.study1.evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation case.study1.results = CSE(case.study1.data.stack, case.study1.analysis.model, case.study1.evaluation.model, case.study1.sim.parameters) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Generation of a DataStack object ################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = GenerateData(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Print the data set generated in the 100th simulation run for the 2nd data scenario case.study1.data.stack$data.set[[100]]$data.scenario[[2]] ## End(Not run) ## Not run: #Use of a DataStack object in the CSE function ############################################## # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Generate data case.study1.data.stack = GenerateData(data.model = case.study1.data.model, sim.parameters = case.study1.sim.parameters) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") # Evaluation model case.study1.evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation case.study1.results = CSE(case.study1.data.stack, case.study1.analysis.model, case.study1.evaluation.model, case.study1.sim.parameters) ## End(Not run)
This function generates a Word-based report to present a detailed description of the simulation parameters (data, analysis and evaluation models) and results.
GenerateReport( presentation.model = NULL, cse.results, report.filename, report.template = NULL )
GenerateReport( presentation.model = NULL, cse.results, report.filename, report.template = NULL )
presentation.model |
defines a |
cse.results |
defines a |
report.filename |
defines the output filename of the word-based document generated. |
report.template |
defines a word-based template (optional). |
This function requires the package officer
. A customized template can
be specified in the argument report.template
(optional), which
consists in a Word document to place in the working directory folder.
See Also CSE
and PresentationModel
## Not run: # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") # Evaluation model case.study1.evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation case.study1.results = CSE(case.study1.data.model, case.study1.analysis.model, case.study1.evaluation.model, case.study1.sim.parameters) # Reporting case.study1.presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2")) # Report Generation GenerateReport(presentation.model = case.study1.presentation.model, cse.results = case.study1.results, report.filename = "Case study 1 (normally distributed endpoint).docx") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Analysis model case.study1.analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") # Evaluation model case.study1.evaluation.model = EvaluationModel() + Criterion(id = "Marginal power", method = "MarginalPower", tests = tests("Placebo vs treatment"), labels = c("Placebo vs treatment"), par = parameters(alpha = 0.025)) # Simulation Parameters case.study1.sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = 2, seed = 42938001) # Perform clinical scenario evaluation case.study1.results = CSE(case.study1.data.model, case.study1.analysis.model, case.study1.evaluation.model, case.study1.sim.parameters) # Reporting case.study1.presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2")) # Report Generation GenerateReport(presentation.model = case.study1.presentation.model, cse.results = case.study1.results, report.filename = "Case study 1 (normally distributed endpoint).docx") ## End(Not run)
This function creates an object of class MultAdj
which can be added
to an object of class AnalysisModel
... |
defines the arguments passed to create the object of class
This function can be used to wrap-up several objects of class
or MultAdjStrategy
and add them to an object of
class AnalysisModel
. Its use is optional as objects of class
or MultAdjStrategy
can be added to an object of
class AnalysisModel
incrementally using the '+' operator.
Objects of class MultAdjProc
or MultAdjStrategy
can be added
to an object of class AnalysisModel
See Also MultAdjStrategy
, MultAdjProc
and AnalysisModel
# Multiplicity adjustments mult.adj1 = MultAdjProc(proc = NA) mult.adj2 = MultAdjProc(proc = "BonferroniAdj") mult.adj3 = MultAdjProc(proc = "HolmAdj", par = parameters(weight = rep(1/3,3))) mult.adj4 = MultAdjProc(proc = "HochbergAdj", par = parameters(weight = c(1/4,1/4,1/2))) # Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + MultAdj(mult.adj1, mult.adj2, mult.adj3, mult.adj4) + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose L", samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose L"), method = "TTest") + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose M", samples = samples ("Placebo", "Dose M"), method = "TTest") + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose H", samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose H"), method = "TTest") # Equivalent to: analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + mult.adj1 + mult.adj2 + mult.adj3 + mult.adj4 + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose L", samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose L"), method = "TTest") + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose M", samples = samples ("Placebo", "Dose M"), method = "TTest") + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose H", samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose H"), method = "TTest")
# Multiplicity adjustments mult.adj1 = MultAdjProc(proc = NA) mult.adj2 = MultAdjProc(proc = "BonferroniAdj") mult.adj3 = MultAdjProc(proc = "HolmAdj", par = parameters(weight = rep(1/3,3))) mult.adj4 = MultAdjProc(proc = "HochbergAdj", par = parameters(weight = c(1/4,1/4,1/2))) # Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + MultAdj(mult.adj1, mult.adj2, mult.adj3, mult.adj4) + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose L", samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose L"), method = "TTest") + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose M", samples = samples ("Placebo", "Dose M"), method = "TTest") + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose H", samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose H"), method = "TTest") # Equivalent to: analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + mult.adj1 + mult.adj2 + mult.adj3 + mult.adj4 + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose L", samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose L"), method = "TTest") + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose M", samples = samples ("Placebo", "Dose M"), method = "TTest") + Test(id = "Pl vs Dose H", samples = samples("Placebo", "Dose H"), method = "TTest")
This function creates an object of class MultAdjProc
which can be
added to objects of class AnalysisModel
, MultAdj
MultAdjProc(proc, par = NULL, tests = NULL)
MultAdjProc(proc, par = NULL, tests = NULL)
proc |
defines a multiplicity adjustment procedure. |
par |
defines the parameters of the multiplicity adjustment procedure (optional). |
tests |
defines the tests taken into account in the multiplicity adjustment procedure. |
Objects of class MultAdjProc
are used in objects of class
to specify a Multiplicity Adjustment Procedure that
will be applied to the statistical tests to protect the overall Type I error
rate. Several objects of class MultAdjProc
can be added to an object
of class AnalysisModel
, using the '+' operator or by grouping them
into a MultAdj
argument defines the multiplicity adjustment procedure. Several
procedures are already implemented in the Mediana package (listed below,
along with the required or optional parameters to specify in the par
: Bonferroni procedure.
Optional parameter: weight
: Holm procedure.
Optional parameter: weight
: Hochberg
procedure. Optional parameter: weight
: Hommel
procedure. Optional parameter: weight
Fixed-sequence procedure.
: Family of chain procedures.
Required parameters: weight
and transition
: Fallback procedure. Required parameters: weight
: Parametric multiple testing procedure derived
from a multivariate normal distribution. Required parameter: corr
Optional parameter: weight
Family of parallel gatekeeping procedures. Required parameters:
, proc
, gamma
: Family of multiple-sequence
gatekeeping procedures. Required parameters: family
, proc
: Family of mixture-based
gatekeeping procedures. Required parameters: family
, proc
, serial
, parallel
If no tests
are defined, the multiplicity adjustment procedure will
be applied to all tests defined in the AnalysisModel.
See Also MultAdj
, MultAdjStrategy
# Parameters of the chain procedure (fixed-sequence procedure) # Vector of hypothesis weights chain.weight = c(1, 0) # Matrix of transition parameters chain.transition = matrix(c(0, 1, 0, 0), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE) # Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + MultAdjProc(proc = "ChainAdj", par = parameters(weight = chain.weight, transition = chain.transition)) + Test(id = "PFS test", samples = samples("Plac PFS", "Treat PFS"), method = "LogrankTest") + Test(id = "OS test", samples = samples("Plac OS", "Treat OS"), method = "LogrankTest")
# Parameters of the chain procedure (fixed-sequence procedure) # Vector of hypothesis weights chain.weight = c(1, 0) # Matrix of transition parameters chain.transition = matrix(c(0, 1, 0, 0), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE) # Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + MultAdjProc(proc = "ChainAdj", par = parameters(weight = chain.weight, transition = chain.transition)) + Test(id = "PFS test", samples = samples("Plac PFS", "Treat PFS"), method = "LogrankTest") + Test(id = "OS test", samples = samples("Plac OS", "Treat OS"), method = "LogrankTest")
This function creates an object of class MultAdjStrategy
which can be
added to objects of class AnalysisModel
, MultAdj
... |
defines an object of class |
This function can be used when several multiplicity adjustment procedures are used within a single Clinical Scenario Evaluation, for example when several case studies are simulated into the same Clinical Scenario Evaluation.
Objects of class MultAdjStrategy
are used in objects of class
to define a Multiplicity Adjustment Procedure Strategy
that will be applied to the statistical tests to protect the overall Type I
error rate. Several objects of class MultAdjStrategy
can be added to
an object of class AnalysisModel
, using the '+' operator or by
grouping them into a MultAdj
See Also MultAdj
, MultAdjProc
# Parallel gatekeeping procedure parameters family = families(family1 = c(1), family2 = c(2, 3)) component.procedure = families(family1 ="HolmAdj", family2 = "HolmAdj") gamma = families(family1 = 1, family2 = 1) # Multiple sequence gatekeeping procedure parameters for Trial A mult.adj.trialA = MultAdjProc(proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj", par = parameters(family = family, proc = component.procedure, gamma = gamma), tests = tests("Trial A Pla vs Trt End1", "Trial A Pla vs Trt End2", "Trial A Pla vs Trt End3") ) mult.adj.trialB = MultAdjProc(proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj", par = parameters(family = family, proc = component.procedure, gamma = gamma), tests = tests("Trial B Pla vs Trt End1", "Trial B Pla vs Trt End2", "Trial B Pla vs Trt End3") ) mult.adj.pooled = MultAdjProc(proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj", par = parameters(family = family, proc = component.procedure, gamma = gamma), tests = tests("Pooled Pla vs Trt End1", "Pooled Pla vs Trt End2", "Pooled Pla vs Trt End3") ) # Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + MultAdjStrategy(mult.adj.trialA, mult.adj.trialB, mult.adj.pooled) + # Tests for study A Test(id = "Trial A Pla vs Trt End1", method = "PropTest", samples = samples("Trial A Plac End1", "Trial A Trt End1")) + Test(id = "Trial A Pla vs Trt End2", method = "TTest", samples = samples("Trial A Plac End2", "Trial A Trt End2")) + Test(id = "Trial A Pla vs Trt End3", method = "TTest", samples = samples("Trial A Plac End3", "Trial A Trt End3")) + # Tests for study B Test(id = "Trial B Pla vs Trt End1", method = "PropTest", samples = samples("Trial B Plac End1", "Trial B Trt End1")) + Test(id = "Trial B Pla vs Trt End2", method = "TTest", samples = samples("Trial B Plac End2", "Trial B Trt End2")) + Test(id = "Trial B Pla vs Trt End3", method = "TTest", samples = samples("Trial B Plac End3", "Trial B Trt End3")) + # Tests for pooled studies Test(id = "Pooled Pla vs Trt End1", method = "PropTest", samples = samples(samples("Trial A Plac End1","Trial B Plac End1"), samples("Trial A Trt End1","Trial B Trt End1"))) + Test(id = "Pooled Pla vs Trt End2", method = "TTest", samples = samples(samples("Trial A Plac End2","Trial B Plac End2"), samples("Trial A Trt End2","Trial B Trt End2"))) + Test(id = "Pooled Pla vs Trt End3", method = "TTest", samples = samples(samples("Trial A Plac End3","Trial B Plac End3"), samples("Trial A Trt End3","Trial B Trt End3")))
# Parallel gatekeeping procedure parameters family = families(family1 = c(1), family2 = c(2, 3)) component.procedure = families(family1 ="HolmAdj", family2 = "HolmAdj") gamma = families(family1 = 1, family2 = 1) # Multiple sequence gatekeeping procedure parameters for Trial A mult.adj.trialA = MultAdjProc(proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj", par = parameters(family = family, proc = component.procedure, gamma = gamma), tests = tests("Trial A Pla vs Trt End1", "Trial A Pla vs Trt End2", "Trial A Pla vs Trt End3") ) mult.adj.trialB = MultAdjProc(proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj", par = parameters(family = family, proc = component.procedure, gamma = gamma), tests = tests("Trial B Pla vs Trt End1", "Trial B Pla vs Trt End2", "Trial B Pla vs Trt End3") ) mult.adj.pooled = MultAdjProc(proc = "ParallelGatekeepingAdj", par = parameters(family = family, proc = component.procedure, gamma = gamma), tests = tests("Pooled Pla vs Trt End1", "Pooled Pla vs Trt End2", "Pooled Pla vs Trt End3") ) # Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + MultAdjStrategy(mult.adj.trialA, mult.adj.trialB, mult.adj.pooled) + # Tests for study A Test(id = "Trial A Pla vs Trt End1", method = "PropTest", samples = samples("Trial A Plac End1", "Trial A Trt End1")) + Test(id = "Trial A Pla vs Trt End2", method = "TTest", samples = samples("Trial A Plac End2", "Trial A Trt End2")) + Test(id = "Trial A Pla vs Trt End3", method = "TTest", samples = samples("Trial A Plac End3", "Trial A Trt End3")) + # Tests for study B Test(id = "Trial B Pla vs Trt End1", method = "PropTest", samples = samples("Trial B Plac End1", "Trial B Trt End1")) + Test(id = "Trial B Pla vs Trt End2", method = "TTest", samples = samples("Trial B Plac End2", "Trial B Trt End2")) + Test(id = "Trial B Pla vs Trt End3", method = "TTest", samples = samples("Trial B Plac End3", "Trial B Trt End3")) + # Tests for pooled studies Test(id = "Pooled Pla vs Trt End1", method = "PropTest", samples = samples(samples("Trial A Plac End1","Trial B Plac End1"), samples("Trial A Trt End1","Trial B Trt End1"))) + Test(id = "Pooled Pla vs Trt End2", method = "TTest", samples = samples(samples("Trial A Plac End2","Trial B Plac End2"), samples("Trial A Trt End2","Trial B Trt End2"))) + Test(id = "Pooled Pla vs Trt End3", method = "TTest", samples = samples(samples("Trial A Plac End3","Trial B Plac End3"), samples("Trial A Trt End3","Trial B Trt End3")))
This function creates an object of class OutcomeDist
which can be
added to an object of class DataModel
OutcomeDist(outcome.dist, outcome.type = NULL)
OutcomeDist(outcome.dist, outcome.type = NULL)
outcome.dist |
defines the outcome distribution. |
outcome.type |
defines the outcome type. |
Objects of class OutcomeDist
are used in objects of class
to specify the outcome distribution of the generated data.
A single object of class OutcomeDist
can be added to an object of
class DataModel
Several distribution are already implemented in the Mediana package (listed
below, along with the required parameters to specify in the
argument of the Sample
object) to be used in the
: generate
data following a univariate distribution. Required parameter: max
: generate data following a normal distribution.
Required parameters: mean
and sd
generate data following a binomial distribution. Required parameter:
: generate data following a beta
distribution. Required parameter: a
. and b
: generate data following an exponential distribution.
Required parameter: rate
: generate data
following a weibull distribution. Required parameter: shape
: generate data following a
truncated exponential distribution. Required parameter: rate
: generate data following a Poisson
distribution. Required parameter: lambda
generate data following a negative binomial distribution. Required
parameters: dispersion
and mean
generate data following a multinomial distribution. Required parameter:
: generate data following a
multivariate normal distribution. Required parameters: par
. For each generated endpoint, the par
parameter must
contain the required parameters mean
and sd
. The corr
parameter specifies the correlation matrix for the endpoints.
: generate data following a multivariate binomial
distribution. Required parameters: par
and corr
.For each
generated endpoint, the par
parameter must contain the required
parameter prop
. The corr
parameter specifies the correlation
matrix for the endpoints.
: generate data following a
multivariate exponential distribution. Required parameters: par
. For each generated endpoint, the par
parameter must
contain the required parameter rate
. The corr
specifies the correlation matrix for the endpoints.
: generate data following a multivariate exponential
distribution to generate PFS and OS endpoints. The PFS value is imputed to
the OS value if the latter occurs earlier. Required parameters: par
and corr
. For each generated endpoint, the par
parameter must
contain the required parameter rate
. The corr
specifies the correlation matrix for the endpoints.
: generate data following a multivariate mixed
distribution. Required parameters: type
, par
and corr
The type
parameter can take the following values:
For each
generated endpoint, the par
parameter must contain the required
parameters according to the type of distribution. The corr
specifies the correlation matrix for the endpoints.
The outcome.type
argument defines the outcome's type. This argument
accepts only two values:
: for fixed design
: for event-driven design setting.
outcome's type must be defined for each endpoint in case of multivariate
disribution, e.g. c("event","event")
in case of multivariate
exponential distribution.
See Also DataModel
# Simple example with a univariate distribution # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Complex example with multivariate distribution following a Binomial and a Normal distribution # Variable types var.type = list("BinomDist", "NormalDist") # Outcome distribution parameters plac.par = list(list(prop = 0.3), list(mean = -0.10, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par1 = list(list(prop = 0.40), list(mean = -0.20, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par2 = list(list(prop = 0.45), list(mean = -0.25, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par3 = list(list(prop = 0.50), list(mean = -0.30, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par1 = list(list(prop = 0.50), list(mean = -0.30, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par2 = list(list(prop = 0.55), list(mean = -0.35, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par3 = list(list(prop = 0.60), list(mean = -0.40, sd = 0.5)) # Correlation between two endpoints corr.matrix = matrix(c(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), 2, 2) # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.plac = list(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome1.dosel = list(type = var.type, par = dosel.par1, corr = corr.matrix) outcome1.doseh = list(type = var.type, par = doseh.par1, corr = corr.matrix) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.plac = list(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome2.dosel = list(type = var.type, par = dosel.par2, corr = corr.matrix) outcome2.doseh = list(type = var.type, par = doseh.par2, corr = corr.matrix) # Outcome parameter set 3 outcome3.plac = list(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome3.doseh = list(type = var.type, par = doseh.par3, corr = corr.matrix) outcome3.dosel = list(type = var.type, par = dosel.par3, corr = corr.matrix) # Data model data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "MVMixedDist") + SampleSize(c(100, 120)) + Sample(id = list("Plac ACR20", "Plac HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.plac, outcome2.plac, outcome3.plac)) + Sample(id = list("DoseL ACR20", "DoseL HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.dosel, outcome2.dosel, outcome3.dosel)) + Sample(id = list("DoseH ACR20", "DoseH HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.doseh, outcome2.doseh, outcome3.doseh))
# Simple example with a univariate distribution # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Complex example with multivariate distribution following a Binomial and a Normal distribution # Variable types var.type = list("BinomDist", "NormalDist") # Outcome distribution parameters plac.par = list(list(prop = 0.3), list(mean = -0.10, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par1 = list(list(prop = 0.40), list(mean = -0.20, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par2 = list(list(prop = 0.45), list(mean = -0.25, sd = 0.5)) dosel.par3 = list(list(prop = 0.50), list(mean = -0.30, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par1 = list(list(prop = 0.50), list(mean = -0.30, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par2 = list(list(prop = 0.55), list(mean = -0.35, sd = 0.5)) doseh.par3 = list(list(prop = 0.60), list(mean = -0.40, sd = 0.5)) # Correlation between two endpoints corr.matrix = matrix(c(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), 2, 2) # Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.plac = list(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome1.dosel = list(type = var.type, par = dosel.par1, corr = corr.matrix) outcome1.doseh = list(type = var.type, par = doseh.par1, corr = corr.matrix) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.plac = list(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome2.dosel = list(type = var.type, par = dosel.par2, corr = corr.matrix) outcome2.doseh = list(type = var.type, par = doseh.par2, corr = corr.matrix) # Outcome parameter set 3 outcome3.plac = list(type = var.type, par = plac.par, corr = corr.matrix) outcome3.doseh = list(type = var.type, par = doseh.par3, corr = corr.matrix) outcome3.dosel = list(type = var.type, par = dosel.par3, corr = corr.matrix) # Data model data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "MVMixedDist") + SampleSize(c(100, 120)) + Sample(id = list("Plac ACR20", "Plac HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.plac, outcome2.plac, outcome3.plac)) + Sample(id = list("DoseL ACR20", "DoseL HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.dosel, outcome2.dosel, outcome3.dosel)) + Sample(id = list("DoseH ACR20", "DoseH HAQ-DI"), outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.doseh, outcome2.doseh, outcome3.doseh))
initializes an object of class
... |
defines the arguments passed to create the object of class
Presentation models can be used to create a customized structure to report the results. Project information, structure of the sections and subsections, as well as sorting the results tables and labeling of scenarios can be defined.
is used to create an object of class
incrementally, using the '+' operator to add
objects to the existing PresentationModel
object. The advantage is to
explicitely define which objects are added to the PresentationModel
object. Initialization with PresentationModel()
is highly
Objects of class Project
, Section
, Subsection
and CustomLabel
can be added to an object of class
See Also Project
, Section
, Table
and CustomLabel
presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Project(username = "Gautier Paux", title = "Clinical trial", description = "Simulation report for my clinical trial") + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2"))
presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Project(username = "Gautier Paux", title = "Clinical trial", description = "Simulation report for my clinical trial") + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2"))
This function creates an object of class Project
which can be added
to an object of class PresentationModel
Project( username = "[Unknown User]", title = "[Unknown title]", description = "[No description]" )
Project( username = "[Unknown User]", title = "[Unknown title]", description = "[No description]" )
username |
defines the username to be printed in the report. |
title |
defines the title of the project to be printed in the report. |
description |
defines the description of the project to be printed in the report. |
Objects of class Project
are used in objects of class
to add more details on the project, such as the
author, a title and a destiption of the project. This information will be
added in the report generated using the GenerateReport
function. A
single object of class Project
can be added to an object of class
See Also PresentationModel
# Reporting presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Project(username = "[Mediana's User]", title = "Case study 1", description = "Clinical trial in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension") + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2"))
# Reporting presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Project(username = "[Mediana's User]", title = "Case study 1", description = "Clinical trial in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension") + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2"))
This function creates an object of class Sample
which can be added to
an object of class DataModel
Sample(id, outcome.par, sample.size = NULL)
Sample(id, outcome.par, sample.size = NULL)
id |
defines the ID of the sample. |
outcome.par |
defines the parameters of the outcome distribution of the sample. |
sample.size |
defines the sample size of the sample (optional). |
Objects of class Sample
are used in objects of class DataModel
to specify a sample. Several objects of class Sample
can be added to
an object of class DataModel
Mandatory arguments are id
and outcome.par
. The
argument is optional but must be used to define the
sample size if unbalance samples have to be defined. The sample size must be
either defined in the Sample
object or in the SampleSize
object, but not in both.
defines the sample-specific parameters of the
object. Required parameters according to the distribution
can be found in OutcomeDist
See Also DataModel
and OutcomeDist
# Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment))
# Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment))
This function creates an object of class SampleSize
which can be
added to an object of class DataModel
sample.size |
a list or vector of sample size(s). |
Objects of class SampleSize
are used in objects of class
to specify the sample size in case of balanced design (all
samples will have the same sample size). A single object of class
can be added to an object of class DataModel
Either objects of class Event
or SampleSize
can be added to an
object of class DataModel
, but not both.
See Also DataModel
# Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Equivalent to: case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(seq(50, 70, 5)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment))
# Outcome parameter set 1 outcome1.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome1.treatment = parameters(mean = 40, sd = 70) # Outcome parameter set 2 outcome2.placebo = parameters(mean = 0, sd = 70) outcome2.treatment = parameters(mean = 50, sd = 70) # Data model case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment)) # Equivalent to: case.study1.data.model = DataModel() + OutcomeDist(outcome.dist = "NormalDist") + SampleSize(seq(50, 70, 5)) + Sample(id = "Placebo", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.placebo, outcome2.placebo)) + Sample(id = "Treatment", outcome.par = parameters(outcome1.treatment, outcome2.treatment))
This function creates an object of class Section
which can be added
to an object of class PresentationModel
by |
defines the parameter to create the section in the report. |
Objects of class Section
are used in objects of class
to define how the results will be presented in the
report. If a Section
object is added to a PresentationModel
object, the report will have sections according to the parameter defined in
the by
argument. A single object of class Section
can be added
to an object of class PresentationModel
One or several parameters can be defined in the by
See Also PresentationModel
# Reporting presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2")) # In this report, one section will be created for each outcome parameter assumption.
# Reporting presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2")) # In this report, one section will be created for each outcome parameter assumption.
This function creates an object of class SimParameters
to be passed
into the CSE
SimParameters(n.sims, seed, proc.load = 1)
SimParameters(n.sims, seed, proc.load = 1)
n.sims |
defines the number of simulations. |
seed |
defines the seed for the simulations. |
proc.load |
defines the load of the processor (parallel computation). |
Objects of class SimParameters
are used in the CSE
function to
define the simulation parameters.
The proc.load
argument is used to define the number of clusters
dedicated to the simulations. Numeric value can be defined as well as
character value which automatically detect the number of cores:
: 1 processor core.
: Number of available
processor cores / 2.
: Number of available processor cores
- 1.
: All available processor cores.
See Also CSE
sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = "full", seed = 42938001)
sim.parameters = SimParameters(n.sims = 1000, proc.load = "full", seed = 42938001)
This function creates an object of class Statistic
which can be added
to an object of class AnalysisModel
Statistic(id, method, samples, par = NULL)
Statistic(id, method, samples, par = NULL)
id |
defines the ID of the statistic. |
method |
defines the type of statistics/method for computing the statistic. |
samples |
defines a list of sample(s) (defined in the data model) to be used by the statistic method. |
par |
defines the parameter(s) of the method for computing the statistic. |
Objects of class Statistic
are used in objects of class
to define the statistics to produce. Several objects of
class Statistic
can be added to an object of class
argument defines the statistical method. Several methods are
already implemented in the Mediana package (listed below, along with the
required parameters to define in the par
: compute the median of the sample defined in the
: compute the mean of the
sample defined in the samples
: compute
the standard deviation of the sample defined in the samples
: compute the minimum of the sample defined in the
: compute the maximum of the
sample defined in the samples
compute the difference of means between the two samples defined in the
argument. Two samples must be defined.
: compute the effect size for a continuous
endpoint. Two samples must be defined.
compute the ratio of two effect sizes for a continuous endpoint. Four
samples must be defined.
: compute the proportion of
the sample defined in the samples
: compute the difference of the proportions between the
two samples defined in the samples
argument. Two samples must be
: compute the effect size for a
binary endpoint. Two samples must be defined.
: compute the ratio of two effect sizes for a
binary endpoint. Four samples must be defined.
compute the hazard ratio of the two samples defined in the samples
argument. Two samples must be defined. By default the Log-Rank method is
used. Optional argument: method
taking as value Log-Rank
: compute the effect size for a
survival endpoint (log of the HR). Two samples must be defined. Two samples
must be defined. By default the Log-Rank method is used. Optional argument:
taking as value Log-Rank
or Cox
: compute the ratio of two effect sizes for a
survival endpoint. Four samples must be defined. By default the Log-Rank
method is used. Optional argument: method
taking as value
or Cox
: compute the
number of events observed in the sample(s) defined in the samples
: compute the number of patients
observed in the sample(s) defined in the samples
See Also AnalysisModel
# Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") + Statistic(id = "Mean Treatment", method = "MeanStat", samples = samples("Treatment"))
# Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest") + Statistic(id = "Mean Treatment", method = "MeanStat", samples = samples("Treatment"))
This function creates an object of class Subsection
which can be
added to an object of class PresentationModel
by |
defines the parameter to create the subsection in the report. |
Objects of class Subsection
are used in objects of class
to define how the results will be presented in the
report. If a Subsection
object is added to a PresentationModel
object, the report will have subsections according to the parameter defined
in the by
argument. A single object of class Subsection
can be
added to an object of class PresentationModel
One or several parameters can be defined in the by
A object of class Subsection
must be added to an object of class
only if a Section
object has been defined.
See Also PresentationModel
# Reporting presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Subsection(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2")) # In this report, one section will be created for each outcome parameter assumption # and within each section, a subsection will be created for each sample size.
# Reporting presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Subsection(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2")) # In this report, one section will be created for each outcome parameter assumption # and within each section, a subsection will be created for each sample size.
This function creates an object of class Table
which can be added to
an object of class PresentationModel
by |
defines the parameter to sort the table in the report. |
Objects of class Table
are used in objects of class
to define how the results will be sorted in the
results tables of the report. If a Table
object is added to a
object, the report will generate tables sorted
according to the parameter defined in the by
argument. A single
object of class Table
can be added to an object of class
One or several parameters can be defined in the by
See Also PresentationModel
# Reporting presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2")) # In this report, one section will be created for each outcome parameter assumption. # The tables presented within each section will be sorted by sample size.
# Reporting presentation.model = PresentationModel() + Section(by = "outcome.parameter") + Table(by = "sample.size") + CustomLabel(param = "sample.size", label= paste0("N = ",c(50, 55, 60, 65, 70))) + CustomLabel(param = "outcome.parameter", label=c("Standard 1", "Standard 2")) # In this report, one section will be created for each outcome parameter assumption. # The tables presented within each section will be sorted by sample size.
This function creates an object of class Test
which can be added to
an object of class AnalysisModel
Test(id, method, samples, par = NULL)
Test(id, method, samples, par = NULL)
id |
defines the ID of the Test object. |
method |
defines the method of the Test object. |
samples |
defines a list of samples defined in the data model to be used within the selected Test object method. |
par |
defines the parameter(s) of the selected Test object method. |
Objects of class Test
are used in objects of class
to define the statistical test to produce. Several
objects of class Test
can be added to an object of class
argument defines the statistical test method. Several methods
are already implemented in the Mediana package (listed below, along with the
required parameters to define in the par
: perform a two-sample t-test between the two samples defined in
the samples
argument. Optional parameter: larger
(Larger value
is expected in the second sample (TRUE
)). Two samples
must be defined.
: perform a non-inferiority two-sample
t-test between the two samples defined in the samples
Required parameter: margin
. Optional parameter: larger
value is expected in the second sample (TRUE
samples must be defined.
: perform a
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test between the two samples defined in the
argument. Optional parameter: larger
(Larger value is
expected in the second sample (TRUE
)).Two samples
must be defined.
: perform a two-sample test for
proportions between the two samples defined in the samples
Optional parameter: yates
(Yates' continuity correction TRUE
) and larger
(Larger value is expected in the second
sample (TRUE
)). Two samples must be defined.
: perform a non-inferiority two-sample test for proportions
between the two samples defined in the samples
argument. Required
parameter: margin
. Optional parameter: yates
continuity correction TRUE
) and larger
value is expected in the second sample (TRUE
)). Two
samples must be defined.
: perform a Fisher exact
test between the two samples defined in the samples
Optional parameter: larger
(Larger value is expected in the second
sample (TRUE
)). Two samples must be defined.
: perform a Poisson regression test between the two
samples defined in the samples
argument. Optional parameter:
(Larger value is expected in the second sample (TRUE
)). Two samples must be defined.
perform a Negative-binomial regression test between the two samples defined
in the samples
argument. Optional parameter: larger
value is expected in the second sample (TRUE
samples must be defined.
: perform a Log-rank test
between the two samples defined in the samples
argument. Optional
parameter: larger
(Larger value is expected in the second sample
)). Two samples must be defined.
: perform an Ordinal logistic regression test
between the two samples defined in the samples
argument. Optional
parameter: larger
(Larger value is expected in the second sample
)). Two samples must be defined.
It is to be noted that the statistical tests implemented are one-sided and
thus the sample order in the samples argument is important. In particular,
the Mediana package assumes by default that a numerically larger value of
the endpoint is expected in Sample 2 compared to Sample 1. Suppose, for
example, that a higher treatment response indicates a beneficial effect
(e.g., higher improvement rate). In this case Sample 1 should include
control patients whereas Sample 2 should include patients allocated to the
experimental treatment arm. The sample order needs to be reversed if a
beneficial treatment effect is associated with a lower value of the endpoint
(e.g., lower blood pressure), or alternatively (from version 1.0.6), the
optional parameters larger
must be set to FALSE
to indicate
that a larger value is expected on the first Sample.
See Also AnalysisModel
# Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest")
# Analysis model analysis.model = AnalysisModel() + Test(id = "Placebo vs treatment", samples = samples("Placebo", "Treatment"), method = "TTest")